Here are 2 packs of radio calculators.First pack is the infamous curde set with over 130 individual calculators.Just place your bin file in the individual calculator folder then start program and click get code, select bin and your done.Other pack is some miscellaneous calculators along with a good guide covering a lot of car types. R-studio recovery. Hi fellas, I have recently been doing up a new shape beetle that I got cheap its a Christmas Present for my girlfriend, anyway I ended up buying a cheaper still donor car and pinched the original stereo out of it as its better, I need the code and dont have any paperwork for it. I have tried online loads of Code Generators but none of them seem to work.Could Anyone help out please.Details on stereo are as follows:theres 3 numbers815 7 548 229 360then what I think is a part Number 1 C0 035 186then what I believe is the serial number needed but I may be wrongVWZ1Z3Y5072222Many thanks in advance if anyone can help me outCheersand Merry Christmas to all of youPaulIve tried the code calculators on here but with only a couple of results and im not sure I did it correctly.
Vw Gamma Code Calculator V2 0 - 38bdf500dc The software calculates car radio security codes. Blaupunkt calculator. Please give me a code for VW Alpha CC, Numbers I found on radio are: VWZ1Z1W 1HO035153A. Curde Radio CODE Calculator Code Seeker from dump calculator vw rcd. 5 blaupunkt z1z1c 6X0035153A,VW ALPHA 5 VWZ1Z1 1J0035153 BLAUPUNKT,VW. Hondaacura (all models). Vwz1z1alpha blaupunkt vw 24c01 code 0000-9999 1. Calculator code. Geosteering operation manual pdf.