Welcome to!A subreddit for all of those who love the Total War series. I recently wrote a. The topic including the link had many people saying: Thanks for not including Radious. And I started thinking: why the dislikes?I used to use Radious for FotS and R2 and quite liked it. I didn't use it for TW:WH because of the fact that in my opinion it made the previous games too arcadey and added too much new units.But!This is currently the only (correct me if I'm wrong) overhaul we've got.
Radious Total War Warhammer II Mod. Radious (Radious Total War) Just like Radious Total War Mod for Total War Attila, Radious by Team Radious is a complete game overhaul mod, which offers players big changes in campaign AI, diplomacy, land battles, reworking abilities, spells, magic, changes buildings, re-balances all unit stats and costs.
Is it underrated? I'd love to hear from Radious' fans especially.
The next karate kid full movie dailymotion. The main failings of the Radious mod are:1) Much lower upkeep and higher income makes for a whack-a-mole autoresolve fest.2) Campaign AI acts like it is on crack.3) His additional units are wholly unbalanced and non-lore friendly, which dilutes the factions.4) He gives WAY too many skill points, such that the game becomes a farce (like 3 per level which is insane).5) His morale and melee defense/attack changes means that armies nearly always fight to the death. It is extremely hard to break the opposing army, if your strategy relies on it, like VC. Dwarf miners, surrounded, will fight to the death. It also makes some units supremely overpowered.even moreso than they are in vanilla. Especially 'heal in combat' type powers.6) Battles take so long you'll spend them on fast forward. There is no satisfying crunch to the combat. 1) Agreed - you can field more armies.
So can the AI. Which makes for larger engagements, and more sieges, than in vanilla play. It calls for better strategic planning, and awesome 2vs3 fights2) Not really sure what objective base you have here, but if you're talking more aggressive and a little more wary of setting up military alliances, sure. Which makes it more fun imho3) Yes, but you can still use Radious without Radious Units. I must admit, some units don't make sense (Drakebeard Axe Throwers, unlocked together with Dwarf Rangers and other stuff).4) 3/level for Lords, and 2/level for Agents is great.
I love this feature the most. It really speeds up gameplay progression and army 'veterancy' Counts for enemies too - seeing a level 11, full-yellow Grimgor around turn 30 is fun as hell. Together with the mod 'New lord skills', makes this great.5) Heal in combat must be nerfed, agreed. Routing armies is never a problem for me, especially against VC/Chaos/Norsca.
I played a campaign as VC and routed the Dwarfs more than once. So not sure on this one.6) Everyone's complaining about battles being too short. Radious makes them a bit longer through combat changes; I enjoy them more now.
No doubt there's better mods for combat, but Radious' works.
Welcome to!A subreddit for all of those who love the Total War series. So just looking for some other opinions here.Basically played around 150-175 hours of the radious overhaul and units mod. I have really enjoyed my time with it and the kind of over the top nature of how many new units it adds(borderline overkill for the empire though).However ive been hearing so much about SFO and it seems to be the overhaul choice for many. Was just wondering if someone could outline some of the main differences between them? I know SFO adds much less units but further develops campaign and character mechanics which I do like the look of.
Although I have heard it is a bit harder? While I have played alot of TWW and I love it, Im still pretty bad it, I am currently playing my first ever VH campaign but I'm doing ok, will I find SFO a manageable challenge?.
I'm by no means an expert on either, but SFO is more lore-friendly and makes the game more challenging and refined a bit, while Radious basically completely throws lore out the window (where every faction basically gets the same units) and turns the upkeep so low that it almost becomes an arcadey feeling type of game.It really depends on what type of game you want to play. SFO is more if you want to stay close to Warhammer lore and have more of a challenge when playing, while Radious is more for the laid back 'build massive armies with hundreds of unit varieties without ever having to worry from turn 1' type of play through. If I had to choose between those two, definitely SFO. As I'm sure you've seen or are about to see, most people here aren't fans of Radious's mods, myself included, as it completely screws the balance of the game. Factions pump out endless doomstacks that turn the campaign into an unfun slog.
While I respect the man's commitment to modding the series and that there definitely must be an audience for it given the popularity of them on the Workshop, his mods just are not for me. In all honesty, I prefer assembling my own 'overhaul' if you will through combination of a diverse number of mods which is what I've done for Warhammer if you'd like to give my collection a look:. True but also the mods that it isn't compatible with, I miss just enough to prefer using a collection of my own over SFO which is entirely subjective. I actually have mixed feelings about both the 'Conquer Anywhere' mod and the fact that they are removing the region restrictions for TWW2. On one hand, the ability to conquer anywhere does open up the door for some fun, random sandbox gameplay which they've said is the goal but it also allows for some immense steamrolling on both the part of the AI and the player.
For instance, I played a VC campaign with the mod on and the Greenskins completely dominated the entire southern half of the map including destroying the Dwarfs and Southern Realms with their eyes on Bretonnia. Thankfully wiping out the Greenskins wasn't a part of my victory objectives because with how many armies they were fielding, I wouldn't have stood a chance. So I'll be interested to see how CA approaches balancing the map without region restrictions if they do so at all. Perhaps an outpost system similar to the WE?
Time will tell, and I'm still very excited to play across the Old and New Worlds in the combined campaign. Ultimately, it comes down to what you like. For a lot of players, the problem with Radious is that it's all about adding units, with complete disregard for balance or lore. What does that mean?Well, seeing as how TWW is explicitly designed to have imbalances between the various forces, making everybody have everything is IMO game-breaking. And certain races are unable or unwilling to field certain types of units.
Vampires are meant to have no skirmishers, so Skeleton Archers make no sense. In a similar vein, Black Orcs are about brute strength, so using a bow would probably get their throats slit. But, hey, some people like that, even though the same complaints about Radious I mentioned have existed since at least the Rome II version.As for SFO, it rounds out the rosters in a more incremental fashion, and with units that can be found in rulebooks and other source material. Is it harder? Yeah, I'd say you should play it at one difficulty lower than you normally would, and if you still feel overwhelmed, they have 'easy mode' submods.
Don't feel ashamed to use them, either! They're there because the modders want people to enjoy the game no matter their skill level.
That alone should tell you something about their general approach to the game. I will say i have been an avid fan of SFO but i would hold of for now because he seems to be introducing some changes im less okay with. The creators of the mod seem to want to introduce a unit cap on alot of troop types i dont think need it.I would be fine with steam tanks, demis, dragon ogre shagoths, gyrobombers, zombie dragons, etc getting caps to limit how much they affect the campaign map but he was also suggesting caps on stuff like greatswords which as an avid empire player specifically has my panties in a massive knot. He wants there to be 8-10 greatswords on the whole map so unless he plans to buff them (which wouldnt be lore friendly) my empire campaing now loses about 50% of its punching power. Late game my armies need at least 4 greatswords to give the infantry line a chance in hell of holding againt stuff like wardancers, chaos warriors, black orcs, and now the upcoming norscan units too.Edit: some spelling. I will say i have been an avid fan of SFO but i would hold of for now because he seems to be introducing some changes im less okay with.
The creators of the mod seem to want to introduce a unit cap on alot of troop types i dont think need it.First of all, those potential changes haven't even made it into beta, so it doesn't make sense to tell someone to hold off on trying the mod out. Second, that was less a statement of intent and more like a suggestion. The modders value constructive feedback, and have a public Discord channel that is the perfect place to address your concerns.