Yaesu Frg 965 Manual

Yaesu Frg 965 Manual

I have just received an FRG 9600 which has has a stciker on it stating ithas been modified by R. Withers Communications who no longer seem to exist.The receiver has a BNC socket added to the rear of the receiver next to theantenna socket, but has no affect when an antenna is connected to it.Has anybody heard of R. Withers Communications or could shed light on whatthe modification could be?-Graham PowellEditor - Online DX LogbookA full list of English Broadcasts from the Middle East is available Free atRichard Mekka27.04.03 06:55. In article, Editor - writesThere was a Withers mod that added HS to the 9600 although it wasnormally accompanied with a toggle switch on the rear of the set thatenabled it and altered the display so that 140.000MHz would read40.000MHz i.e. Used 100 to 199 MHz as 0-99 MHzMaybe this mod was without the switch? Try fitting an aerial to the BNCand tuning around 188MHz wide band FM and see if you receive radio 2 ifyou do then that is it.Is it a 9600 or a 968?

Created Date: 1/9/2018 8:14:36 PM. FRG-9600 VHF/UHF Scanner: FRG-100 HF Comms Receiver: FRG-8800.pdf (1.6MB) FRG-8800-service.pdf (6.2MB) FRG-8800advert.jpg (320KB) FRG-9600.pdf (5.1MB) FRG-9600Servicemanual.pdf (13.3MB) FRG-965advert.jpg (286KB) FRG-100.pdf (3.7MB ) FRG-100techsupp.pdf (11.8MB) VR-5000 Comms Receiver.

They seemed to go in for a few grey imports atthe time.- BillEditor - shortwave.org.uk27.04.03 10:00. 'Editor - ' wrote in messagenews:b8h2ee$dv1$1@news6.svr.pol.co.uk. The receiver appears to tune from 0 to 999.995 Mhz but nothing can be heard under 60 MHz except white noise ni matter which antenna socket I use. Thanks for the feedback let's hope we can find the answer. The sticker also says ' Radio Telephone'I know that means, standard 9600 only went upto about 905 MHzRaycom used to mod them to go up to 999 MHz,up into the old analogue mobile phone bandThe BNC socket maybe a IF tap for feeding to another RX?Steve TerryBill27.04.03 16:15. Right, Here's my chance to explain some of the history of mods for thisunit!I actually found this out about a year after I bought an FRG9600, which I'mstill listening to right now!R.Withers did a mod for the FRG9600 which improved the receive greatly.


Theywere a little deaf in some places before this mod was done. Coverage wasapparently extended up to 950MHz too.The BNC socket is for PAL video, which is provided by an internal adaptor.R.Withers also supplied an external up-converter for coverage of 100KHz upto 60MHZ.I would kill for one of those!!!All this info is detailed in the 1993 edition of Tandy SCANNERS Book writtenby Peter Rouse GU1DKD.Perhaps he's still around. ISBN Number of the book is: 1 85486 006 2. Maybe still in print, or available secondhand on amazon?Yes, Yes, Yes. My good lady has just handed me the original manual for thisset.Original Coverage was 60-905 MHZ. That backs up the tandy book which statesthat the R.Withers communications mods included coverage up to 950MHZ.Also stated is that the Video unit available from yaesu is NTSC.

R.Withersdid make the PAL unit thensI have recently done the mod which is supposed to give coverage from 20MHZup to 60.Turns out that the reception os so poor in this area that it's unusable.I have loads of info on this receiver, so if anyone requires it, or the usermanual e.t.c, please ask!the manual pictures the rear panel of the unit, with details of all theoptions available at the time. There is even space for 'future' options!Hope this helps you understand what the BNC socket is, and what coverage youcan expect.Sorry to hear that Ray withers is no more. He's brightened up my life noend!Good luck.P.S I use my FRG9600 for Weather satellite reception (amongst other stuff)with good results.3 guesses what I wanted 20-60MHz coverage for!Bye.Joe landy.PeterboroughUK.' Editor - ' wrote in messagenews:b8glon$lb1$1@news7.svr.pol.co.uk.

Modifications for the Yaesu FRG-9600 Modifications for the YaesuFRG-9600English languageEnglish languageEnglish languageEnglish languageYaesu FRG-9600 VHF/UHF radio DISCRIMINATOR MODIFICATION By Donald Gray G3YPL/ Ex ZL1AZC© Copyright Donald Gray 1998 Disclaimer: The following is given in goodfaith. I cannot be held responsible for any omissions or errors, or to anydamage caused to any radio howsoever caused.All care but noresponsibility!!!!Tools required:. cross head screwdriver. 25 watt, fine tip soldering iron. tweezers or needle tip pliers. side cutters. needle files.

sharp knife (to cut one pcb track). a small container to hold screws & washers.

The last item is very important. There are many screwsto remove. It is all too easy to loose one. Make a habit of ALWAYS putting theremoved screws & washers into a small container such as a 35mm filmcontainer, cup, coffee jar lid etc. NEVER ever leave them loose on the table orbench.Components required:. 1 x.01 capacitor.

1 x small cable tie. Approx 12 to 18 inches of smallish diameter Audio cable (coaxial screenedessential). 1 cup of coffeeTo gain access to the NFM discriminator on this radio is easy BUT only do itif you feel capable of doing one very fine solder connection.Basically what you have to do is connect a short length of audio coax, via asmall capacitor, from pin 14 of the mixer/nfmdiscriminator chip (MC3357P). To an unused socket on the backof the radio. There are several sockets on the back and I have used the 'MPX'socket on my radio because I will never want to put a stereo multiplexer on it!The instructions below relate to the MPX socket. You can choose any of thesockets that you will not need but you must cut the tracksleading to that socket before adding soldering the coaxthereto!Step-by-step Instructions. Disconnect power and other cables at the back.

Remove top and bottom covers. From the top, locate the N.F.M.

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Board (4.25 inches 115mm from the backpanel). Very carefully solder one leg of the 0.1µF capacitor to the solder side ofthe pcb where pin 14 pokes out.

Be careful to correctlyidentify this pin AND be careful with the soldering, it is a fine bit ofsoldering and is easy to short out this to the adjacent pads. CHECKand double check that you have done a good 'clean' solder jobhere -It's vital to be very careful - I cannot stress this enough!Leave thecapacitor hanging in the air for the moment. Use a small needle file to drill a small hole in the top portion of thenfm pcb where there are no tracks. Through this hole, thread a small cable tieand leave in situ for the time being. (Later, you will secure the audio coaxhere. See step 9 below.).

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With a sharp knife, scrape a section of the solder resist from the top,right hand 'Earth' track (as seen from the solder side of the pcb) and tin itwith solder (To confirm that you have the correct track, it is the track alsoconnected to the can of the xtal on that board!). Prepare the coax by:- (a) Stripping back the outer insulation by about oneinch. (25mm), twist the shielding together and tin it for about.25 inch 6mmand then trim it down to this length.

Yaesu Frg 965 Manual
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