Oct 08, 2017 I put my absolute best mods on them. Here were the final important stats: Hera: 195 speed and 51% potency Zeb: 180 speed and 55% potency Ezra: 210 speed and 186% CD Kanan: 140 speed and 48k H+P Chopper: 226 speed and 48% Potency Auto-basic until the last round. This ensures all cooldowns are ready and it lets Ezra power up over the first 3 phases.
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Speed is King. I personally run a crit chance and a speed Set on him (CC triangle and protection cross). I think crit chance is highly overlooked stat on special damage toons like him. He has a base special dmg crit chance of a bit more than 10%. With my crit mods i boost that to almost 50%.
So instead of critting every 10th attack he crits almost every 2nd attack now! In my opinion thats better than running offense mods, enemies with crit immunity, the future Traya meta for example, should be considered though.