PDFAnnoPDFAnno is a browser-based linguistic annotation tool for PDF documents.It offers functions for annotating PDF with labels and relations.For natural language processing and machine learning, it is suitable for development of gold-standard data with named entity spans, dependency relations, and coreference chains.If you use PDFAnno, please cite the following paper: Hiroyuki Shindo, Yohei Munesada and Yuji Matsumoto,'PDFAnno: a Web-based Linguistic Annotation Tool for PDF Documents',In Proceedings of LREC, 2018.It is highly recommended to use the latest version of Chrome. (Firefox will also be supported in future.) InstallationIf you install PDFAnno locally, git clone pdfannonpm installcp.env.example.envThen, edit.env as you like.The default values are: SERVERPORT=1000Run Server npm run serverUsage. Visit the with the latest version of Chrome. Load your PDF and annotation file (if any).
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Sample PDFs and annotations are downloadable from. For PDFs located on your computer:Put the PDFs and annotation files (if any) in the same directory, then specify the directory via Browse button. For PDF available on the Web:Access ' + For example,. Annotate the PDF as you like. Save your annotations via button.If you continue the annotation, respecify your directory via Browse button to reload the PDF and anno file.For security reasons, PDFAnno does NOT automatically save your annotations.Don't forget to download your current annotations!
Annotation Tools IconDescriptionSpan highlighting. It is disallowed to cross page boundaries.One-way relation. This is used for annotating dependency relation between spans.Rectangle.
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